General Physiotherapy
A broad understanding of the human body is perhaps what we need more of in this highly specialised medical world. Modern medicine and specialisation has given a lot to be grateful for, but it is with high risk to only focus on the symptoms or the diagnosis, and not the cause.
While it is important to take the local issue into consideration, at Four Axis we take this one step further and always assess the full body. Only then can we attempt to explain why things have happened in the first place. We believe prevention is the key to good health.
Everyone has a unique story and surrounding environment, this makes everyones’ presentation and the path to better health slightly different. We believe in individualised care and not a textbook approach to the diagnosis.
By truly listening to your story and combined with our clinical assessment, we hope to make some connections that you haven’t considered. Our physiotherapists have gone above and beyond with their studies to have a more well rounded approach to movement and health.
We specialise in understanding the whole picture.